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Thanksgiving Wreath - FREE Sketchbook Challenge

festive thanksgiving wreath in watercolour online project kat healy watercolour artist scotland


3 Plans Available, Prices vary


A Thanksgiving Special! Build on your recent autumn berries practice, with this new festive wreath project 💫 Download the free PDF workbook (images and text), materials list, a line drawing, and link to copyright-free inspiration images. Plus! Enjoy a relaxing time-lapse video of me painting the wreath, accompanied with a cover of 'The Parting Glass', a traditional, Scottish folk song recorded with my husband at my home studio 🎶 This is a fun, relaxing study that you can practice at home during the holidays. With gratitude, Kat 👩🏼‍🎨



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Watercolour Wonder: A Journey Through the Seasons

Watercolour Wonder: A Journey Through the Seasons

Private167 Members


Paint, Reflect, Feel Good this Autumn

Loose, atmospheric seasonal subjects that you can enjoy learning at home.

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